
Leadership Communications: rising to the challenge of leadership has so much to do with your ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Whether you are introducing new directives, setting standards, or pursuing goals, your ability to connect, convey, and engage can make all the difference in your success. And although this is a course on leadership communications, the principles can be applied to the rest of your life as well. They are useful not only for improving workplace output and connection, but also for bringing increase happiness and satisfaction in the rest of your life.

Leadership Essentials: becoming the kind of leader who inspires, engages, and motivates takes many different qualities. Not only do you need a strong knowledge and expertise in your field; you also need to understand what leadership actually is, and what it means to lead by example. The more you as a leader can exemplify what it is you wish your team to embody, the more you will be the kind of leader everyone wishes to follow: intelligent, kind, understanding, open to new ideas, compassionate, and humble, all qualities that also endear us to our closest friends and confidents. In this course, get ready to think about what you really value and how to bring more of that into your leadership.

Leading the Leaders: you will delve into the principles of higher leadership, look at practical applications of leadership, and get more tools for working with people and for inspiring yourself and others. One important aspect of this level of leadership is mentoring, and you’ll go into great detail here on preparing the next generation of leaders through mentorship. In the end, what it means to walk the path of a leader is different for each of us. But there are a few stepping stones along the way that have proven universal, and we share those here for you to consider and to walk.


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Team Building

Assistant prof at EMLV and elsewhere, I teach leadership and digital content lectures (web project management, community management, online reputation, e-mailing, strategic marketing) in several institutions. I love research, and prepare articles for journals, chapters, and books. I love sport, family and music.

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